MJB For Business

With over 35 years of experience working with Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, Not for Profits, Charities, and Corporations, you can confidently consider MJB as an extension of your business.


Corporate Tax Returns

At MJB, we help make HST returns and payroll remittances easy. Our team will work within your timelines to give you the peace-of-mind your company deserves, allowing your business to grow while we prepare the forms you’ll need submitted.


Payroll, T4s, and ROEs

With MJB’s dedicated corporate team coupled with our in-house softwares, we have the flexibility of stepping in as you in-house finance team. We can help process paycheques, issue annual T4s, and prepare ROEs as needed.


Accounts Payable / Receivable & Income Statements

With an assigned MJB team, you can instil trust and confidence in our firm to alleviate any pressures of your day-to-day finances. We can provide you the appropriate reporting that aligns with your schedule so your organization can see where the business stands while offering suggestions to improve your bottom line.


Audit Preparations

Our team prides itself in stepping in where you need us the most. With MJB, you can rest assured that during an audit, we help pepare all of the necessary financial paperwork and documentation to make your review go as smoothly as possible.

Have a question about our corporate financial services?

One of our Business Experts will be happy to speak with you.